Meditation Monday – Changing Your Mindset

Changing the way you think has a great effect on how you approach anything in life. For example, this morning, you may have awaken with a sense of dread knowing that you had to go into work. You may deal with others that you do not necessarily care to be around or having to work for someone who may be inconsiderate. There are many reasons as to why you feel the way you do but I am here to tell you that it can change and you don’t have to continue to feel this way, in spite of your situation.

Prayer changes any situation, it changes you and the way that you think and approach obstacles in life. It will change your mindset. Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of believers and when used consistently and efficiently, will see changes within themselves and their surroundings. Start off your day in prayer and see what can happen!



God Bless!


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